Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Newsletter 11-29-16

It’s our review week in language arts.  Every day this week, we review the story, vocabulary words, comprehension skill, language concept, and song we learned during each week of the unit.  We will take the unit two test at the end of the week to see what we successfully completed and what we still need to review.

In math we’re finishing up topic 5, Subtracting Within 100 Using Strategies.  Students are learning different strategies to solve problems in their heads or with tools like number lines and hundred charts.  Remember to go to https://www.pearsonrealize.com/#/ to see how we use each strategy. 

Although there is no homework during review weeks, I hope that your child will use the extra time to do Reflex Math and read.  Reading websites like Lexia and MyOn are fun and educational. 

We wrote acrostic poems for Veteran's Day.

Here are samples of our Thanksgiving writing.

Congratulations to McKenna for earning 100% in Reflex Math!

Sam earned the award for citizenship this month.  Way to go!

Bennett moved on to the district level with his Reflections entry.  Congratulations!

We had an awesome radKIDS graduation!  The kids learned so much and were eager to show everyone.

Thanks for all your support at home.  Please remember to keep checking and signing planners.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Newsletter 11-13-16

We read the story Bremen Town Musicians in language arts this week.  We had fun putting on animal hats, singing the songs, and acting out the play.  We also studied plural nouns and cause and effect.

We finished up our math unit on two-digit addition and took the test Thursday.  We are starting two-digit subtraction on Monday.

We got to produce the Soaring Sunrise News for the whole school this week.  It was so much fun to watch ourselves Friday!

This week in radKIDS we discussed out and about safety, dog defense, fire safety and Internet safety (pages 21-23, 26-33 in the family manual).  We also learned the last of our defensive moves (toe strike, heel strike, and shin kicks).    Please plan/review with your child your family escape route and meeting place in a fire or other emergency.  Please also ask your child to explain what the Sight-Sound-Distance Rule is.

Our radKIDS graduation will be next Friday, November 18, at 8:30.  We hope you can make it!

I am sending home book orders this week.  You can go online at https://clubs.scholastic.com for a much bigger book selection.  If you would like to give books as Christmas gifts, just send me a note letting me know.  I will keep the books hidden until you can get them.  Our class code is GYPDT, and the orders are due by November 28.

Please remember to sign and send back planners each day.  Our class has been great at bringing back their homework lately!

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Newsletter 11-6-16

We read Scarcity in language arts this week.  We learned about needs and wants, producers and consumers, and supply and demand.  We talked about singular and plural nouns and identified facts and details.

We are still practicing two-digit addition in math.  We’re planning on taking the test later this week.

We had so much fun at our Halloween party!  There were games, crafts, books, and treats.  Thank you to our moms who made it possible.

Week 2

This week in radKIDS we discussed school and home safety (pages 15-21, 24-25 in the family manual). We also learned more defensive moves (high hammer fist, low hammer first, and elbow strikes).

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  Have a great week!