We read Horace, Morris, but mostly Dolores and talked about being responsible friends and neighbors. We practiced using pronouns and worked on character and setting.
We talked a lot about being responsible citizens and taking care of the earth. We used our reading books and Scholastic News to do research for our Earth Day writing. Our books turned out great!
Last week we reviewed everything we've learned this year and took a district assessment. This week we started topic 13, using measurement in word problems.
Ugly Duckling
We're so excited to perform the Ugly Duckling for you tomorrow at 2:00! Please remind your child to wear the color that matches their animal in the play (cows- black or white, ducks- yellow or orange, pigs- pink, swans- white, etc.) Please just use the best of what you already have for costumes. Try to do a plain shirt, without writing, and plain pants, jeans, or a skirt. Contact me if you have any questions.
Book Orders
Book orders were sent home yesterday. You can order books from these or from the many choices online. Please turn in your order by Friday, May 4. Here is the website for parents who don't have an account: https://clubs.scholastic.com/newparent. Here is the website if you do have an account: https://clubs.scholastic.com. You can also send in an order with your child.
Fun Run
It was great seeing so many families at the Fun Run. Thanks for supporting our school! Driggs got the silver medal in the running race. Way to go!

The Sunrise Singers performed for us last week. They sounded wonderful. Nice job Lucy, Madelyn, and Elise!
Today we had a guest speaker teach us about caring for dogs and being safe around them. We loved petting her German Shepherd.
Congratulations to Amer for earning the citizenship award for forgiveness!
We had several students return the 20-Book Challenge and earn their prizes from the PTA. Awesome job Driggs, Connell, and Treyton!

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for all your support!