Thursday, April 19, 2012

March Newsletter

We’ve been busy in school.  Our reading unit is Amazing Animals.  Last week we finished a nonfiction story called Ants, and this week we read a Native American folktale called The Great Ball Game.

We finished our unit on measurement, and now we are working on time.  Please have your child practice telling time at home over the break.

In science we finished a unit on matter with Mrs. Stockett.

Thank you to all our classroom volunteers.  They help our class so much.  I want to give a special thank you to Mrs. Whipple, who organized all our Student Treasure books.  It was a big job!

Three cheers for our stars of the week, Alexis and Ethan!  It’s been great getting to learn more about them.

Remember to check out our class blog.  It’s  Kids College is a great way to practice math and reading.  Our class code is KCC63296. 

Please have your child read every day, even over spring break.  If you forgot the March calendar, please send it back after the break.

We loved having the opportunity to do RAD Kids this week, and our teachers were wonderful.  I was very proud of all of our students.  They learned so much!

We had a great St. Patrick’s Day.  We did Lucky Charms graphing and made leprechauns.  We even saw some leprechaun prints in our room after lunch!

We did some fun Easter projects this week.  We had a great time making Easter bunnies with our buddies!

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  You can call the school or email me at  Have a terrific spring break!  

February Newsletter

We had a busy January!  We are reading a story called My Big Bushy Mustache in language arts.  We’re learning new vocabulary and looking for problems and solutions in our stories.  

The math chapter we just started is using addition and subtraction.  We are still working on addition and subtraction with regrouping.  The more we practice, the better we get!

We have done some fun activities with our buddy class.  Last week we played a penguin regrouping math game, and this week we made dice and played a math game with them.

Diversity week has been fun.  We’ve learned a lot about other cultures.

Our stars of the week have been Dawn and Hailey.  We’ve enjoyed getting to know them better!  

We had a fabulous Valentine's Day party!  There were games, crafts, stories, and we got to decorate delicious cookies.  Thank you to our mom volunteers!

Our parent volunteer calendar is on the back.  Thanks to all of you who help in so many different ways!

Thank you for your support, and feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. 

Kristen Adams

January Newsletter

We got right back to work after our winter break!  We are reading a story called Chinatown in language arts.  We're learning new vocabulary and working on making judgments as we read.

In math we are working on mental subtraction.  We're learning strategies to solve two-digit problems in our heads.  Our next chapter will be written two-digit subtraction.  Yesterday we learned how to play "Base Block Subtraction" on our blog.  Any practice can count in the planner.

We are studying rocks with Mrs. Bray.  It will tie in well with our field trip to the museum on January 19.

We had a great time at our Polar Express party in December!  It was so much fun to see the kids in their pajamas.  We read the book, watched the movie, and did several related activities.  We topped it off with cookies and milk!

Thank you for all the wonderful Christmas gifts.  I told the kids that they spoiled me! : )

We made New Year's resolutions and posted them on our bulletin board in the hallway.  

We’ve had a great time with Chinese New Year.  We learned a song in music, made dragons, and had a parade through the school.  See the pictures on our blog,  Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Our stars of the week have been Gavin and Easton.  We've enjoyed getting to know them better!

Book orders are due on Friday, January 13.  We have earned several free books for our classroom.  Online orders get us even more free books!

Our parent volunteer calendar is on the back.  Thanks to all of you who help in so many different ways!

Thank you for your support, and feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Kristen Adams