Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November 11 Newsletter

                                            Class News                        
                                            Mrs. Adams   
                                                November 11, 2011

We are reading the nature story Exploring Parks with Ranger Dockett and working on vocabulary and comprehension.  We’ve been learning about fact and opinion, commands, and antonyms.

We finished our unit on money today, but please continue to have your child practice at home.  Counting change is great way to do this.  There are also some fun games on our blog, mrsadams2.blogspot.com.  Any practice can count for math homework in the planner.   

Our class is studying citizenship in social studies.  We walked down to the voting machines Tuesday to see how they work.

We did a Veteran’s Day activity with our buddy class today.  We wrote letters thanking our Servicemen and women overseas. 

We had a great program about reptiles on Wednesday.  We met a tortoise, a blue-tongued skink, and a python named Monte.  We even got to pet Monte!

Our star of the week was Jaden.  We enjoyed getting to know him better!  

Book orders are due next Friday, November 18.  Thanks to those of you who ordered in October.  We earned several free books for our classroom.  Online orders get us even more free books!

Thank you for your support, and feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  Have a great weekend!

Kristen Adams