Saturday, September 27, 2014

Newsletter 9-26-14

September 26, 2014

Our story in language arts last week was A Walk in the Desert.  We tied it to science by learning about the plants and animals that live in that climate.  We watched a live webcast from the Bean Museum and learned about adaptations by seeing live animals, like a turtle and a snake.  We wrote about the desert and did a watercolor picture for art.  Have your child tell you about it!

Our story this week was The Strongest One.  It is written as a play, so we practiced during the week and acted it out today.  It was a great way to work on our fluency and using expression.  Next week is a review unit.

We just finished our math unit on addition strategies with the test and a fun “flip flop facts” art project.  We will start our unit on subtraction strategies on Monday.  Please have your child keep practicing his or her math facts with Reflex Math.

If you haven’t signed up for parent-teacher conferences, please do so as soon as possible.  The dates are October 9-10.

Thanks for all you do.  Have a great weekend!

Kristen Adams