We learned about economics when we read Scarcity this week. We also practiced words with r-controled vowels, plural nouns, and facts and details.
We finished up our two-digit addition unit with our test on Wednesday. I was pleased to see how many of you did the practice page with your children. It really helped! We started two-digit subtraction on Thursday. We are using the same strategies we used with addition but reversed.
We had a great Halloween party with crafts, games, and stories. Thank you to our room moms who made it such a fun day!
Reflex Math
We are making so much progress in Reflex Math! It's exciting to see our percentage steadily increasing. The goal is still at least five days a week with a green light 80% of the time. Signing up for a parent account will you let you get this information. You can also email me, and I'll send it to you.
Our students who had 100% fluency and our students who were meeting the goal of 5 days a week and 80% green lights for the last month got to go to our party. They covered the teachers with whipped cream!
Please keep reading for the 20-book challenge. The PTA has fun prizes for 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%.
Picture retakes will be this Monday.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Our students are such hard workers. I appreciate all of your help at support at home. We have a great class!