Monday, March 19, 2018

Newsletter 3-19-18

It was review week in language arts.  We practiced reading fluency, comprehension, and phonics.  We wrapped up the week with the unit four test.    

Math We finished topic 12 in math, three-digit subtraction.  We reviewed today and will take the test on tomorrow.  Students brought home a review sheet today.  Please make sure they complete it and get a parent signature to show that you reviewed it together.  It helps so much for the test.  Students who return it tomorrow with a signature will get a something to celebrate and a small prize.

We made it to 91%! Hooray!  Please makes sure your child keeps working on Reflex Math.  We would like everyone to achieve 100% fluency.

Congratulations to Kayli for earning 100% fluency!

Madelyn earned 100% fluency.  Fantastic!

Other News

We had an assembly to learn about Jump Rope for Heart.  The tricks the kids did were amazing!  Some of our students have already brought in donations for the American Heart Association and earned prizes.

We filled all 100 squares on our behavior chart and earned a Saint Patrick's Day party.  We wore green, made Lucky Charms bar graphs and learned how rainbows are made.

Please make sure your child has a signed planner each day. Children should also have a snack each day, and a water bottle is very helpful.  

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.