Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Newsletter 11-29-16

It’s our review week in language arts.  Every day this week, we review the story, vocabulary words, comprehension skill, language concept, and song we learned during each week of the unit.  We will take the unit two test at the end of the week to see what we successfully completed and what we still need to review.

In math we’re finishing up topic 5, Subtracting Within 100 Using Strategies.  Students are learning different strategies to solve problems in their heads or with tools like number lines and hundred charts.  Remember to go to https://www.pearsonrealize.com/#/ to see how we use each strategy. 

Although there is no homework during review weeks, I hope that your child will use the extra time to do Reflex Math and read.  Reading websites like Lexia and MyOn are fun and educational. 

We wrote acrostic poems for Veteran's Day.

Here are samples of our Thanksgiving writing.

Congratulations to McKenna for earning 100% in Reflex Math!

Sam earned the award for citizenship this month.  Way to go!

Bennett moved on to the district level with his Reflections entry.  Congratulations!

We had an awesome radKIDS graduation!  The kids learned so much and were eager to show everyone.

Thanks for all your support at home.  Please remember to keep checking and signing planners.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.