Saturday, December 17, 2016

Newsletter 12-18-16

Last week in language arts, we read Pearl and Wagner and learned about creativity, inventions, and friendship.  We practiced using verbs and comparing and contrasting.  This week we read Dear Juno and learned how to write a friendly letter.  

We're getting so excited for Christmas!  We’re practicing opinion writing by giving evidence of being good in our letters to Santa.  We also made reindeer and practiced counting their eyes by 2's.  

We read a couple Christmas books by Jan Brett.  The kids love her stories and pictures.  You can find her website under the language arts link on the right.

In math we have been practicing two-digit subtraction.  This is a difficult topic, but our class has been doing great!  Practicing basic facts on Reflex Math has helped students so much with their fluency and accuracy in bigger problems.

Congratulations to Sam for getting 100% fluency in Reflex Math.  Terrific!

The PTA now has prizes for students as they progress through the 20 Book Challenge.  Students get a prize when they have completed 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the challenge.  They can bring in their papers as they reach each milestone or wait until they have met their goal.  They will still get all four prizes.

Lucas and Tayah passed off levels in Lexia.  Hooray!  Lexia provides valuable phonics practice for all students, even advanced readers, and it's fun!  The easiest way to log in is through Clever. 

Scholastic sent coupons for a free book worth up to five dollars with a ten-dollar order.  If you would like to order, please do it by December 28, and I’ll send it in over the break.

Our last day of school before Christmas break is Wednesday.  There will not be homework this week.  Have a wonderful holiday break!