Friday, December 1, 2017

Newsletter 12-1-17

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break.  We had fun in class learning about the first Thanksgiving, writing about about what we are grateful for, graphing our favorite foods, and making a turkey craft.

Report Cards
Report cards were sent home today.  Here are some things to keep in mind as you look over the report.

Please remember this is a progress report.  We will be revisiting and reteaching all of these skills throughout  the school year.

What each score means:
3 : On Track at this Time - Student is on track to master this standard by the end of the school year.  This means they have met the first set of requirements for the standard.  Additional requirements will be added as we progress through the year.  

2 : Progressing - Student is making progress toward meeting the standard at this time; sometimes demonstrating skills needed to meet standards, at other times showing a lack of understanding or ability to apply the concept or skills.  This means the student has been inconsistent with showing mastery of the skill.  I will continue to monitor and reteach    
the skills until I feel they are consistently showing mastery.    

1 : Insufficient Progress - Student is showing risk of not mastering the standard by the end of the year and is receiving intervention support. The student is receiving tier 2 support or additional reteaching in a small group setting to help the student progress towards mastery.

Remember that the learning skill "Completes tasks on time" includes classwork and homework.

Language Arts
We reviewed unit two this week and practiced with stories, games, and online quizzes on Quizizz.  We took a cumulative test on all the comprehension, phonics, and grammar skills we have learned.    

We are still working on two-digit subtraction, using the standard algorithm.  Regrouping can be tricky, but the more we practice, the better we get.  I have noticed a big difference in students who know their math facts.  Once they have mastered the regrouping, the rest is quick and easy.         

Reflex Math

We are working together and getting closer to our 100% fluency goal.  We are hoping to be at 85% by Monday.  We have several students who have made their individual goals:

Congratulations, Thomas!

Way to go, Lucy!

Fantastic, Connell!

Terrific, Izzy!

Social Studies
We worked more on landforms this week.  We did a great Nearpod lesson.  Ask your child about it!

We had a fun assembly with awards and a magician.  

Madelyn earned the citizenship award.  Congratulations!

Lucy magically made a live rabbit appear!

Tommy got to be part of an entertaining skit.

Field Trip
We had a great time at the Natural History Museum!  There was so much to explore.  Thank you to our parent volunteers who helped out that day.

This week in radKIDS we discussed out and about safety, dog defense, fire safety and Internet safety (pages 21-23, 26-33 in the family manual).  We also learned the last of our defensive moves (toe strike, heel strike, and shin kicks).    Please plan/review with your child your family escape route and meeting place in a fire or other emergency.  Please also ask your child to explain what the Sight-Sound-Distance Rule is.  If you have any questions please email Melanie Ferguson, radKIDS coordinator, at  radKIDS graduation will be Friday, December 8 at 8:30 a.m.  Hope you can be there!

We have a traditions report coming up.  Students will report on a holiday tradition from another country or on a family tradition.  It will be three to four minutes long and will be a good opportunity to practice speaking skills.  Visual aids are encouraged.  I will send home more information on Monday, but you can start thinking about it now.  They will be presenting December 13-19.

Please remember to send a healthy snack for your child each day.  A water bottle is also a good idea.  Students can get longer and more frequent drinks when their water bottle is right in our classroom.   

Our food drive starts next week.  Please encourage your child to help with this important service project.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns.  Have a great weekend!