Saturday, December 9, 2017

Newsletter 12-9-17

We read Pearl and Wagner this week, and we talked about how working with others can help with a creative idea.  We practiced long e words, and we started learning about verbs. We spent a lot of time on author's purpose, which is still a tricky concept.  When your child is reading at home, please ask them why the author wrote the book: to persuade, inform, or entertain.  

We are finishing topic 6, subtraction with regrouping.  With a lot of practice, we have become experts in regrouping.  Common mistakes include subtracting the top number from the bottom number in the ones column.  (More on the floor, go next door, get ten more!)  Another one is that students sometimes regroup when they don't have to.  (More on top, no need to stop!)  Our biggest challenge is story problems, especially ones that have two steps.  We will continue to work on them and have the test on Tuesday.

Social Studies
We finished landforms and map skills this week.  Next week we will be using our presentations to learn about how families pass on traditions and customs, including ones from other cultures.    

Reflex Math

With a new student joining our class, we dropped down to 81%, but we've already moved back up to 82%.  We have four more students who are so close to getting 100%!  Please make sure your child is getting on Reflex at least five days a week with 80% green lights.

Driggs earned 100% fluency.  Way to go!

We finished radKIDS this week and had our graduation on Friday.  It was great to see so many parents there supporting us.  Here are a few pictures, in case you weren't able to make it.

Message from instructors:  Thank you parents for your amazing attendance at radKIDS graduation!   We have loved teaching your children, and we hope you will remind them often how special they are and that "No one has the right to hurt them!"   

We couldn't continue teaching this incredible program without you!!   We are accepting radKIDS donations all year. You can give in the main office or donate online at  Thanks SO much for your  ongoing support!   

If you would like more information about radKIDS please check out our website or watch these success stories about radKIDS in the news:

We got to listen to our Sunrise Singers on Friday, including Madelyn and Elise.  

We had a visit from the Living Planet Aquarium on Monday.  They taught us about tropical rainforests around the world and reinforced our map skills.  We got to see and touch live animals and learn about how they adapt to their environments.

Upcoming Events
Remember that holiday tradition reports are due on Wednesday.  We'll do a few each day until winter break.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Several students are forgetting their snacks every day.  Please remind your student to bring a healthy snack each day.  Some students bring a snack (cereal, crackers, goldfish, etc.) in a large bag at the beginning of the week and eat a little each day.  Other students keep their snacks for the week (granola bars, snack packs, etc.) in their backpacks and eat one each day.  Some students keep an emergency snack in their backpack, in case they forget to pack one.

Thank you for your support.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.