Monday, November 16, 2015

Newsletter 11-16-15


We finished unit two in language arts, so this is our review week.  We are practicing reading skills like cause and effect, compare and contrast, and fact and opinion.  We are also working on nouns, contractions, and homophones.  We’re finishing our informative writing essays on Abraham Lincoln this week.  We all practiced speaking and listening skills when each reading group performed a play for the class.

We don’t have our regular homework packet, but please have your child keep reading and practicing math facts with Reflex Math.  We had our first student reach 100% fluency on math facts 0-10 in Reflex Math.  Way to go, William!

We finished our math unit on mental addition and will begin mental subtraction tomorrow.  We are learning many strategies to do two-digit math problems in our heads. 

Our kids were awesome at their RAD Kids graduation!  I was so proud of them!

We’re excited about our field trip to Alta tomorrow to see Cinderella.  Thank you to everyone who volunteered to be a parent chaperone, but we could only bring two this time.  We will have other field trips later this year.

Book orders will go home tomorrow, but you may also order online, where there is a much larger selection.  If you would like to order books for your child for Christmas, just send me an email, and I’ll make sure they don’t see them.

You should have received an email recently from Canyons School District asking you to fill out a brief survey about our school.  If you get a chance to do that, we would appreciate the feedback.  Thanks!

Have a great week, and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 

Mrs. Adams