Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Newsletter 11-3-15


We are moving through unit two in Reading Streets.  Last week we read “Scarcity” and talked about consumers and producers, as well as needs and wants.  We continued to work on plural nouns and informative writing. 

This week we’re reading “The Bremen Town Musicians” and acting it out as a play.  We’re learning about irregular plural nouns and practicing homophones.  We’re also learning about fairy tales and folk tales.

We finished our unit on place value in math and are starting topic six, mental addition.  We are learning different strategies to add two digit numbers in our heads.  Its fun to see all the different ways the children can find the correct answer.

We are so excited for our RAD Kids graduation this Friday from 8:30 to 10:00.  The students have been working hard and learning many safety rules.  We hope you will be able to join us.  Thank you to our moms who have helped!

We’re looking forward to our field trip to Alta to see Cinderella on November 17.  If you haven’t returned the permission slip, please do so as soon as possible.

We had a fabulous Halloween party!  Our room moms had crafts, games, stories and treats; everyone had a great time.  The kids looked terrific in their costumes!

It’s been nice seeing so many October reading calendars come back this week.  Our students who met the goal got a Pizza Hut book-it coupon.  Keep up the good work with the November calendar!

Thank you for reminding your kids to bring their homework back on time each week.  It’s been nice seeing which spelling activities they are doing.

Thank you for your help and support at home and in the classroom.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Adams