Sunday, October 2, 2016

Newsletter 10-02-16

It was great meeting all of you at parent-teacher conferences.  Thank you for taking the time to hear about your child’s progress and discuss goals for this school year.      

This is a review week in language arts, so we will be going over unit 1 and preparing for the CFA.  We won’t have homework or a spelling test this week.  Please have your child continue to read and do Reflex Math.

We are finishing our math unit on arrays and repeated addition this week.   

Cookie dough orders are due this Wednesday.  This money helps pay for RAD Kids, a program our second-graders will get to be part of this year.

Reflections entries are due October 14.  I hope that every student will enter.

Remember to visit our blog,, for newsletters and links to educational websites.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  Have a great week!